Yesterday, I was bound and determined to conquer the Granny Square. I found a tutorial on the Purl Bee here. I kept running into problems when it was time to bump up to the next round, but I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. I had to slip stich, or ease, until I got to the corner, then chain, then do 2 dc. Phew! Not sure what I'm going to make yet, but I love the Granny Square.
Lately, Ellie and I have been doing some coloring together. Nothing fancy, just plain old simple coloring. I printed out some cool coloring pages from Made by Joel and some Maisy pages here. Ellie's just gotten to the point where she can color inside the lines and choose a variety of colors. She's really proud of her work and loves to put it up on the fridge. She likes to draw, too. Our coloring sessions have just been so nice and quiet. I put on some classical guitar music or some George Winston, and it's just a nice break and time to talk together. Today and yesterday we used colored pencils, and they are so lovely to work with.
And, I got my package from Purl today. I'm going to make something from "Bend the Rules Sewing" by Amy Karol aka Angry Chicken. More to come...