Tuesday, September 28, 2010


We had to put our cat Seymour to sleep back in August, so I thought I'd do a little tribute to her here. She was a sweet and quirky cat. At one time, she weighed 16 pounds! But the last time we took her in to the vet, she was down to 4 1/2 lbs. It was so sad. The vet never really figured out what was wrong with her. We thought it was psychological because she seemed to go downhill once we had kids. The vet seemed to think it was severe IBD. Poor kitty, she was always getting sick. Nothing seemed to help--we tried all kinds of different food and medications. In the end, the vet's office kept her for nearly three weeks. They did all they could to rehab her, but her quality of life was horrible.

I want to remember Seymour when she was healthy and plump. And I want to remember how much Ellie and Robin loved her. Ellie could not get enough of Seymour. She always wanted to play with her and snuggle with her. And Robin just chased Seymour and grabbed her fur and tail any chance she could.

We all miss you, Seymour. You were the girls' first pet, and they won't forget you!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm Back

Sorry I've been gone so long. Hope you haven't given up on me. I haven't written for a number of reasons--but mainly because I'm working again. I'm writing part of another book for Disney, and I'm doing some grantwriting for our local community college and its art museum. So...for a while I was getting up early to work and squeezing in work whenever I could. Now, we have a wonderful new babysitter who comes twice a week, and I'm regaining my sanity. I haven't been able to do any creative projects, and I've definitely cut back on my thrift shopping.

I did have one little find recently, though--these cute Pyrex bowls with glass lids and Amish designs.

And...yesterday I got a wonderful box of vintage sewing goodies from a fellow Freecycler! (Makes me want to sew so bad. Makes me want to walk around the fabric stores for hours and look at patterns, notions, fabric, etc.) Here are some highlights:
Pretty floral trim...
Vintage Simplicty dress pattern from 1969...I love A-line dresses.

Vintage Simplicity sewing book from 1962...

Vintage Fruit of the Loom rickrack...

Hopefully, I won't be gone for so long next time.