Monday, April 12, 2010

Our Tree and Cloth Napkins

First, some photos of the lovely tree in front of our apartment...

Next, a work in progress...

Our family has been using cloth napkins for nearly five years now. We recently got all of these beautiful dinner napkins from my mom's, but they are enormous. So, with inspiration from Chez Beeper Bebe and Quince and Quire, I decided to cut them down and make them into cuter and less unwieldy napkins. I've only completed one so far, and I imagine it will take me quite a while to make as many as I'd like. Sewing rickrack was another new adventure, but as they say, practice makes perfect.

Yes, progress is slow for me. I usually only have a few precious minutes each evening to do some sewing or blogging. Sometimes, I can do a little sewing while Robin naps and Ellie does her own art alongside me.

Most nights after I put the girls to bed, I'm ready to collapse. I'm amazed at the moms who keep up with their projects and their blogs!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Teresa,
    I like the orange rickrack against the teal/green. Very cute!
